Liberal MPP Constituency Websites

Liberal Caucus, Legislative Assembly

My job for a decade was to manage the constituency websites for the sitting Liberal members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. I headed a small team of developers servicing 70+ constituency websites. From 2007 onward we worked through several iterations of an enterprise content management system, migrating from MySQL to MongoDB. That system also included an extranet to warehouse internal communications material and HR documents and was powered by a Javascript search engine fed by flat JSON files.

Liberal Caucus Communications Extranet

Mobile Friendly Extranet

From 2007 onwards me and my team worked through several iterations of an enterprise content management system, eventually migrating our databases to the Google Cloud and MongoDB to MLab. That ecosystem also included an mobile friendly extranet to warehouse communications and HR documents and was powered by a Javascript search engine fed by locally stored flat JSON files. It was an interesting experiment, that made the search exceptionally fast.

Let’s Work Together


Give me a call at 647-338-7697.